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Project 90

Project 90 is a movement to build a 90% financial literacy rate in the United States.  We accomplished this with English literacy, now is the time to do it again with financial literacy!


Financial Literacy Standards

Project 90 has a 15-point standard for financial literacy.  It's based on existing, real world, practical programs available for mainstream America (the working poor and middle class).


Financial literacy rates will be measured monthly via survey and will be reported quarterly.  Together we can reach a financial literacy rate of 90% in America!

1 / Increase in Annual Cash Flow

An individual or household must have an increase in annual cash flow (not necessarily income!).

2 / Practicality

We only consider financial principles and strategies that are actively applied to an individual or household.

3 / Structured and Ordered Strategies

Each individual or household must have a custom designed financial strategy that is structured and ordered, rather than "ad hoc".

4 / Tax Efficiency for Existing Income

An individual's existing income must be taxed in the most efficient manner both legally and ethically.

5 / Bill Overpayment Correction and Prevention

An individual or household must have a manageable way to both correct and prevent overpayment of monthly bills (aka "sudden bill spikes").

6 / Debt Overpayment Correction and Prevention

An individual or household must have a detailed debt payment plan that MINIMIZES any and all interest payments on ALL debts.

7 / Accuracy of Credit Score and Report

An individual must have a credit score and credit report that is accurate and complete.

8 / Proper Business Record Keeping

An individual's business expenses, all of them including "side hustles", must be thoroughly tracked in a way that is manageable and complete, thus remaining IRS compliant.

9 / Regular Tax Professional Consultation

An individual or household must have regular consultation with tax professional(s) to ensure legal and ethical compliance in their finances.

10 / Proper Tax Payment

An individual or household must pay their due taxes on time, accurately, and efficiently (no overpayments).

11 / Multiple Income Streams

An individual or household must have 2 or more streams of income for economic resiliency.

12 / Passive Income

An individual or household must have at least 1 passive stream of income from the private sector (non-government) to prepare for eventual retirement.

13 / Efficient Money Storage

An individual or household must store discretionary (ie "extra") money in an account that (1) appreciates above the inflation rate, (2) appreciates with compound interest, (3) allows for unlimited contributions tax free, (4) allows for unlimited withdrawals tax free, and (5) can be transferred to one's estate tax free.

14 / Low Risk Investment(s)

An individual or household must have 1 or more low risk investment(s) with a yield above inflation.

15 / Medium and High Risk Investment(s)

An individual or household must have 1 or more medium or high risk investment(s) with a yield above inflation.  The amount of medium or high risk investment should be carefully measured by the individual or household.

Project 90 Reference Implementation

Mega School 1 has partnered with MWR Financial to be our reference implementation of the Project 90 Standard.  MWR's Wealth System fulfills our 15-point financial literacy standard.  Both their price point and robust financial services makes it an ideal reference implementation of Project 90.  Watch the 3-min introduction below to learn about their program.

You can schedule a FREE  1-on-1 consultation to learn how to make Project 90 work for YOU.  Simply text

'PROJECT 90' to 224-310-9357

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